Top 10 NFT Marketplace Development Companies
The price of an art piece is defined by its uniqueness. Non-Fungible Tokens are like the digital representations of physically unique art pieces. NFT marketplace is like an art gallery where you can buy unique paintings. These three lines are an overview of an NFT marketplace. According to Binance, “NFT marketplace is a platform where you can buy, sell, collect, trade, bid on, showcase a unique object that cannot be replicated.” OpenSea is the most popular NFT marketplace that allows users to trade NFTs. “Ken Bon Punk” is the most expensive NFT sold on OpenSea ever. Have a glance at current market statistics to get an idea about the NFT market. Current Market Statistics You can buy almost 27 Rolls Royce Ghosts with the most expensive NFT valued at more than $91 Million. Netizens are excited regarding the updates on NFTs and new launches. Currently, the NFT market has a worth of over $11.3 Billion and has increased over 20x. NFTs first appeared in the year 2014 but gain...